Palm Sunday begins with unbridled joy as we recall how Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, while being acclaimed by the crowds with loud shouts of “Hosanna” and boisterous waving of palm branches. So today we begin with songs of praise and waving of palm branches as we hail Jesus as the One worthy of all glory, laud, and honor. But then the solemnness of Holy Week also begins. With a time of silence, the service shifts our focus to Jesus’ path to the cross. As foretold by prophets long ago, Jesus was stricken and afflicted, beaten and spit upon, crucified, and He died. He did this out of divine love for all of humanity, taking on Himself the sins of all people for our forgiveness. Today’s worship reflects the pattern of our lives. At times we experience unbridled joy and celebration. And then, sometimes in the next moment, we experience heartbreaking suffering. Jesus is there with us—in the joyful celebrations, in the heartbreak and suffering. He alone can transform it all into deeper love for God and neighbor. The hour of Jesus’ death on the cross is the hour of our life and salvation.
El Domingo de Ramos comienza con una alegría desenfrenada al recordar cómo Jesús entró en Jerusalén montado en un burro, mientras era aclamado por las multitudes con fuertes gritos de “Hosanna” y agitando bulliciosas ramas de palmeras. Así que hoy comenzamos con canciones de alabanza y agitando ramas de palmeras mientras saludamos a Jesús como el que es digno de toda gloria, alabanza y honor. Pero entonces también comienza la solemnidad de la Semana Santa. Con un tiempo de silencio, el servicio cambia nuestro enfoque al camino de Jesús hacia la cruz. Como lo predijeron los profetas hace mucho tiempo, Jesús fue golpeado y afligido, golpeado y escupido, crucificado y murió. Lo hizo por amor divino para toda la humanidad, asumiendo sobre sí los pecados de todas las personas para nuestro perdón. La adoración de hoy refleja el patrón de nuestras vidas. A veces experimentamos alegría y celebración desenfrenada. Y luego, a veces en el momento siguiente, experimentamos un sufrimiento desgarrador. Jesús está allí con nosotros, en las celebraciones alegres, en la angustia y el sufrimiento. Él solo puede transformarlo todo en un amor más profundo por Dios y el prójimo. La hora de la muerte de Jesús en la cruz es la hora de nuestra vida y salvación.

So Pilate entered his headquarters again and called Jesus and said to Him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “Do you say this of your own accord, or did others say it to you about Me?” Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered You over to me. What have You done?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, My servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But My kingdom is not from the world.” (John 18:33-36)
Pilate was confused. The prisoner, Jesus, was not behaving in any way that Pilate could understand. He refused to answer the charges against Him. When He did speak, He gave mysterious answers. And He agreed that He was in fact a King—but not the kind of king Pilate was familiar with.
Pilate was a soldier, a governor in service to the Roman emperor. The armies of the Roman empire had conquered huge areas of the ancient world, including the tiny country where Jesus lived. Pilate understood fighting, understood using your power to take what you wanted. But here was Jesus saying the exact opposite: “If My kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But My kingdom is not from the world.”
What kind of a kingdom was that? What kind of a King was that—One who would choose to wear a crown of thorns, and take a shameful cross for His royal throne?
This is the king who came to set us free, God Himself in human flesh. He was turning the world upside down—setting the prisoners free, breaking the power of evil, destroying the power of death. And He chose to win this war in a way that nobody had ever seen before—through His own suffering, death, and resurrection.
This will never make sense to people who see the world as a place to use your power and take what you want. But for everyone who receives the free love and mercy of God, it makes perfect sense. Jesus didn’t come to destroy or to dominate. He came to save us, to lift us up and make us free.
THE PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank You for giving Yourself for us. Amen.
Reflection Questions:
* Have you ever been under the authority of someone who managed people by fear? How did you feel about that person?
* Have you ever been under the authority of someone who served people from a heart of love? How did you feel about that person?
* Was there ever a time when you could have used your power against someone and chose not to? What was their reaction?
Lenten Devotions were written by Dr. Kari Vo.
Today’s Bible Readings: Deuteronomy 28-29 Luke 7:31-50
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Letter from the Pastor
April 2, 2020
Dear Friends and Family of Trinity Cristo Rey Lutheran Church,
I greet you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Precious Holy Spirit.
Due to the extension of the COVID-19 shutdown order, until April 30, 2020, by our local, state and national governments, Trinity Cristo Rey will be extending our suspension of church services and events to comply with the social distancing order.
I realize that we are still in the midst of our anxiety and concern over the Corona Virus Pandemic. However, we must follow the necessary guidelines of our government officials and use this unique time to show God’s love by being patient and kind as we continue to practice social distancing.
Our church office will continue to remain open Monday-Friday 10 am-3 pm.
We have a Food Pantry available to our church members and the surrounding community.
You may call the office at: 714-542-0784 to make arrangements for a food pick up or to make a donation of much needed non-perishable food items for the Food Pantry.
Please contact the church office to schedule private Holy Communion, prayer or other spiritual needs, with Pastor Dietrick Gladden.
For the Prayer Chain please contact Mrs. Dorothy Schmidt at: 714-363-3709.
Trinity Cristo Rey Family, together we can ride the Chariot to Victory in the Name of Jesus Christ! This too shall pass.
Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (NIV)
In His service,
Pastor Dietrick Gladden
Carta del Pastor
El 2 de abril del 2020
Estimados hermanos(as) y familiares de la Iglesia Luterana Trinity Cristo Rey
Los saludo en el nombre del Padre y del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo
Debido a que el gobierno local, estatal y nacional extendieron la orden de mantener todo cerrado y mantener un distanciamiento social por el covid-19 hasta el día 30 de abril del 2020, la iglesia Trinity Cristo Rey suspenderá todas las actividades de la iglesia incluyendo oficios de adoración y eventos para que nos permita cumplir con la orden de mantener un distanciamiento social.
Reconozco que todavia estamos con la ansiedad y preocupación por el coronavirus. Sin embargo, debemos seguir las recomendaciones necesarias por el gobierno y usar este tiempo para mostrar el amor de Dios al ser pacientes y amables unos con otros al practicar el distanciamiento social.
Nuestra oficina de la iglesia continuará abierta de lunes a viernes de 10am – 3pm.
Tenemos distribución de comida disponible para nuestros miembros y la comunidad adjacente. Puedes llamar a la oficina al 714-542-0784 y hacer una cita para poder recoger la despensa que necesiten o hacer una donación de articulos comestibles que no se echen a perder.
Además, si necesitan oración o ayuda espiritual o desean recibir comunión en sus hogares, favor de comunicarse con la oficina para hacer una cita con el Pastor Dietrick Gladden.
Para ponerlos en la cadena de oración comuniqese con Mrs. Dorothy Schmidt at: 714-363-3709 en ingles o envien un mensaje de texto a Jesus Rios y orará por ustedes al 714-350-4855.
La familia de Trinity Cristo Rey, juntos viejaremos en el carruaje de la victoria en el nombre de JesúsCristo. ¡Esté evento tambien pasará!
“Que la paz de Cristo reine en sus corazones, ya que somos miembros de un solo cuerpo y fuimos llamados a tener paz. Y ser agradecidos” Colosenses 3:15 (NVI)
A su servicio,
Pastor Dietrick Gladden